A great time was had by all who attended this year’s barbecue at the Hiller on Sat. Oct. 23, 2010.

Over 110 meals were served. The food was fantastic and included ribeye steak, salmon, chicken, shrimp, baked beans, potato and green salads, cold drinks and dessert. The West Bay Saxtet provided music for the event.

If you couldn’t make it this time, plan on attending next year. You’re sure to enjoy yourself.

Congratulations to Curt Nehring who coordinated the event and thanks to everyone who lent a hand, including the folks who displayed their aircraft and the crew who prepared the food, as well as everyone else who helped out, including the setup team and the cleanup group. Volunteers included Herb Patten, Cass Wilson, John Rohrer, Blin Kazazi, Linda Westwood, Bob O’Sullivan, Mike Dalrymple, and Richard George.

We are especially grateful to Jeff Bass, Willie Turner, Lanie Agulay and Adam Villa at the Hiller Museum.

We’d like to thank our chefs, Frank Alaimo, Ken Steiner and Ron Hamburger. They made our day. Also, thanks to Tim Foley for lending his large gas BBQ grill that made it possible.

We’d also like to thank Jerry Grainger who coordinated the aircraft display this year. Reid Dennis generously showed his Grumman Albatross and Bill O’Connell showed his 1946 Swift. Thanks to the volunteer docents for the Albatross.

Some photos from the event are attached.

Thanks again and see you all next year!