The San Carlos Airport Day is only a month away. The event is supported by San Carlos County Airport leadership.
The details:
When: Saturday, June 22nd 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM.
Where: The center of the open house will be in the transient parking area adjacent to the terminal building.
Why: The goal of the event is to engage the community to learn about the airport and have a fun day. The airport open house will be free to the public.
What: The event will feature:
· Airport and community organization booths
· Static displays of aircraft
· Airplane rides, e.g. EAA Young Eagles, Helicopter rides
· Entertainment for families and kids
· Gourmet food trucks
· Airport operations information booth
Note: The airport will not be closed for this event.
How can you help?
We are looking for volunteers to help the day of the event. We will need volunteers to help with setup, assisting with logistics, monitoring the static display area, parking control, and tear down.
Please contact Herb Patten ([email protected]) if you are able to help.