Thanks to everyone who came to the joint membership meeting with SCAPA and the EAA Chapter, on Tuesday the June 14th, and a special thanks to Alan Eustace. Alan’s presentation was terrific and inspiring. It’s a privilege to meet the man who devised, designed, paid for and built this amazing achievement. New frontiers are out there. Flying is an achievement and adventure. What do you want to do with your pilots license?

President Carol Ford and Airport Manager Gretchen Kelly updated members on the status of the County’s response to persistent complaints of a small number of Atherton and North Fair Oaks residents about perceived noise from increased air taxi activity—specifically, Surf Air’s operations. SCAPA, Surf Air, the FAA, Rep. Jackie Speier’s office and other airport groups are working on a new VFR arrival route that, if approved, should divert more than 85% of Surf Air arrivals over the shoreline and away from Atherton. Trials are in progress, and we are optimistic that the new arrival route will be approved and operational within a few months.

In the meantime, the County is moving forward with studies of fees and restrictions on the airport. The studies are to be paid for in part out of airport funds generated from tenants. Some of the proposals to be studied would violate FAA grant assurances because they discriminate against specific operations and operators. The other study proposals could have a significant negative impact on all airport users. SCAPA has urged the Board of Supervisors to hold off on the studies until the new Surf Air arrival procedure can be approved and implemented.

Finally, the members approved amendments to the bylaws that increase flexibility and bring our operation up to date with current technology and communications.